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 On April 8-9, 2023, the 8th Forum for Ph.D. of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA) at Tsinghua University was successfully held in Shanghai. Kang Zhongqing, Dean of EEA, Lian Yanqing, director of the Professional Degree Education Office of the Graduate School, and Chai Jianyun, He Jinliang, Dong Xinzhou, Mei Shengwei and Zhang Guixin, supervisors of Ph.D. of Engineering, as well as Gao Kai, chief engineer of Shanghai Electric Power Science Research Institute, and more than 20 doctoral students of engineering participated in the forum. The Forum was presided over by Gao Wensheng, a professor in charge of Ph.D. of Engineering in EEA.


Professor Kang Chongqing delivered a speech


Ms Lian Yanqing delivered a speech

First, Mr. Kang Chongqing and Ms Lian Yanqing delivered speeches on behalf of the EEA and the Graduate School, respectively. Mr. Kang introduced the background and development trends of the electric power industry, encouraged the doctoral students of engineering to pay attention to important changes in the industry, closely integrate with engineering practice, take innovative ideas as the driving force, truly achieve technological implementation, and actively solve the industry’s pain points and difficulties. Ms Lian Yanqing introduced the establishment of the National Excellent Engineer College and the reform of talent training mode, fully affirmed the important role of EEAs Forum for Ph.D. of Engineering as an important part of training, and the role in strengthening academic exchanges, training the whole process management and strictly controlling the quality of papers. Ms Lian also held a research symposium with EEAs doctoral students of engineering, showed great enthusiasm and concern for the students’ course learning and achievements, and engaged in in-depth discussions with the students on course optimization.


Professor Chai Jianyun gave an expert report

Professor Chai Jianyun gave a presentation titled “Origin Thinking: A Reconsideration of Maxwell’s Equations”, encouraging the doctoral students of engineering to possess origin thinking in their thesis work, frequently returning to the origin of their papers for reflection and exploration, and further completing their thesis work with high quality.


Wang Bin, Li Fuchao, and Yang Guohua reported on their paper topic selection work

Then, Wang Bin, Li Fuchao, and Yang Guohua, doctoral students of engineering admitted in2021, made paper topic selection reports, respectively. As an innovative attempt of organization of the Forum for Ph.D. of Engineering, it provides an opportunity for lower-grade doctoral students of engineering to observe and learn, and also allows more doctoral supervisors and industry experts to jointly review and provide valuable suggestions for paper topic selection.


Liu Chun (top left), Yang Yuemin (top right), He Yongsheng (bottom left), and Liu Haitao (bottom right) respectively gave reports on their work at the Ph.D. of Engineering

In the following reports by Ph.D. of Engineering, Liu Haitao, a Ph.D. of Engineering admitted in 2019, Liu Chun and Yang Yuemin, Ph.D. of Engineering admitted in 2020, and He Yongsheng, a Ph.D. of Engineering admitted in 2021, respectively gave special reports entitled “Exploration of Ideas for Construction of Modern Smart Distribution Grids”, “Active Support Technology for New Energy Power Generation”, “Construction of Smart Industrial Park with AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid Based on Source-Grid-Load-Storage”, and “Digital Twin Technology for Power Equipment”. They shared their staged research results or paper progress, and attending supervisors provided targeted advice and guidance, and put forward higher requirements for topic focus and research results implementation.


A visit to the State Grid Zhang Jiang Laboratory


A visit to the exhibition hall of engineering application of superconducting cables

During the investigating visits, all teachers and students visited the State Grid Zhangjiang Laboratory. The laboratory conducted research on core technologies for the future development of the power grids under the “dual-carbon” target. The next morning, they visited the exhibition hall of engineering application of superconducting cables. The engineering site is located inside Changchun substation, showcasing the globally original research result, leading standard system and major technological innovations in the China-made kilometer-level superconducting cable demonstration project.


Group photo of all teachers and students

The successful holding of this forum has received strong support from the State Grid Shanghai Energy Internet Research Institute, and the forum provided valuable academic exchange opportunities for the high-quality training of doctoral students in EEA through reports by experts, reports by Ph.D. of Engineering, paper topic selection reports, teacher-student discussions, and investigating visits.

The EEAs Forum for Ph.D. of Engineering is an academic exchange platform organized by EEA with the free application from doctoral students of engineering. It is usually held once every three months. The forum, which encourages students to report on the progress of their papers and showcase their research results, aims to strengthen the management of the training process for Ph.D. of Engineering, stimulate innovative thinking and promote project cooperation. Since December 2020, EEA has successfully held this forum for eight times in Beijing, Changzhou, Qingdao, Chengdu (online), Fuzhou (online), Xining, Guangzhou (online) and Shanghai.

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