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Current Location: Home > faculties > Sun Kai

Sun Kai

Associate Professor

Research Direction

Power electronics for renewable generation systems, microgrids and active distribution networks

3-310, West Main Building, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, P. R. China



  • Biography
  • Teaching
  • Research Project
  • Publications
  • Social service

Dr. Kai Sun was born in Beijing, China, 1977. He received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering all from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2000, 2002, and 2006, respectively. In 2006, he joined the faculty of Tsinghua University as a Lecturer of Electrical Engineering, where he is currently an Associate Professor. From Sep. 2009 to Aug. 2010 he was a Visiting Scholar at Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark. From Jan. 2017 to Aug 2017 he is a Visiting Professor at Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada.

He has authored more than 100 technical papers, including 39 peer-reviewed international journal papers. His main research interests are power electronics for renewable generation systems, microgrids and active distribution networks. Dr. Sun is a IEEE Senior Member and received the Delta Young Scholar Award in 2013.

2000-2006, M.E., Ph.D, Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

1996-2000, Bachelor of Eng., Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

Jan, 2017- Aug, 2017, Visiting Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada

Jul, 2017- present, Director of Institute of Power Electronics and Electrical Machine Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Dec, 2011- present, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Sep, 2009-Aug, 2010, Visiting Scholar, Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

Feb, 2008-Nov, 2011, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Apr, 2006-Jan, 2008, Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

(1) Personal Awards

Outstanding Contribution Award of Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2015

Delta Young Scholar, 2013

Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project, 2013

Excellent Postdoctoral Award, 2007

(2) Research Award

NSFC Excellent Closing Project Award, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016

ICEMS2014 Best Paper Award, 2014

First Prize on Science & Technology of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013

(3) Teaching Award

First Prize of Teaching Achievements, Tsinghua University, 2014

First Prize of Experimental Technology Achievements, Tsinghua University, 2012

Second Prize of Experimental Technology Achievements, Tsinghua University, 2012

No content

(1)Research Interests

Power Electronics for Renewable Generation, Microgrids & Active Distribution Networks

Application Techniques for Power Devices (SiC, GaN)

(2)Selected Academic Funds

2016-2019, "Key Technology and Prototype Implementation of Photovoltaic DC Boost Integration for Large-scale PV plant" Project 5 "New Photovoltaic DC Boost Power Module Technology Based on Wide Bandgap Power Devices", National Key Research and Development Plan (PI of Sub-project)

2016-2019, "Research on the Constitution Mechanism and Operation Control of Large-capacity Renewable Generation Systems Integrated into Medium-voltage DC Distribution Network", National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI)

2014-2017, Research and Development of Bidirectional Converter for Photovoltaic Generation Microgrids, National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) (PI at THU)

2016-2018, Research on High-efficiency Reliable Utilization of Wind Energy and Solar Energy with Accurate Resources, Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Plan. (PI at THU)

2014-2015, Research on Novel Power Balancing Renewable Generation System for Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids, State Key Lab of Power Systems (PI)

2012-2015, Research on Parallel Bidirectional High Efficiency AC/DC Converters for Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids, National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI)

2010-2013, Research on Fundamental Issues of Power Electronics in Thermoelectric Generation Systems, Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program (PI)

2010-2012, Research on Electrical Fundamental Issues in Thermoelectric Generation Systems, State Key Lab of Power Systems (PI)

2009-2011, Research on Hybrid Cascaded Inverters for Distributed DC Power Supplies, State Key Lab of Power Systems (PI)

2007-2009, Research on Novel Two-stage Matrix Converter fed PMSM Drive System. National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI)

(3)Selected International Collaboration Projects

2016, Design and Implementation of Power Electronics Transformer, THU-Siemens Collaboration Program (PI)

2014-2016, Research and Demonstration on Microgrid Technology for Smart Grid Applications, National International State International Science and Technology Cooperation Program (Sino-Danish) (PI at THU)

2014-2015, Development and Validation of Analysis Technology for Motor Driving System using Multi-level-inverter, THU-MHI Collaboration Program (PI)

2013-2014, Research on Power Electronics Techniques in Low Grade Thermoelectric Generation Systems, Delta Young Scholar Project sponsored by Delta Environment & Education Foundation (PI)

2013-2014, Development and Validation of Analysis Technology for Motor Driving System using Three-level-inverter, THU-MHI Collaboration Program (PI)

2011-2013, Research and Development of T-type Three-level Inverters for Photovoltaic Generation, THU-Fuji Electric Joint Research Program (PI)

2011-2013, Development of Auto-tuning Method of Control Parameters and Accuracy Improvement of Low Speed Estimation in Sensorless Vector Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, THU-MHI Collaboration Program (PI)

2011-2013, Development of the Power Loss Calculation Tool and High Efficiency Switching Control Technology for the Inverter Using the Next Generation Power Device (SiC), THU-MHI Collaboration Program (PI)

2010-2012, Research on Key Techniques of Novel Grid-connected Inverters for Distributed Generation, Delta Power Electronics Research and Education Development Program (PI)

(4)Selected Industry Projects

2017, Manufacturering and Tests of Modulator BEBB Electrolytic Hydrogen Production Module and System. National Institute of Clean-and-low-carbon Energy (PI)

2016, Key Technology and Demonstration of Renewable Energy Microgrids and Active Distribution Networks, Guodian Nanjing Automation Co., Ltd. (PI of Sub-project)

2015, Experimental Simulation Analysis and Test of Control System for Distribution Network, National Institute of Clean-and-low-carbon Energy (Co-PI)

2014-2015, Research on SiC Inverters, Smart Grid Research Institute of State Grid (PI)

2014, Research on Three-level Parallel Grid-connected PV Inverters and Coordinated Control of Energy Storage, TBEA Xi’an Electric Tech Corporation (PI)

2013-2014, Research on Control Techniques for Wind-PV-Energy Storage Based Microgrids, Shang Solar Energy Corporation (PI)

2013-2014, Research on Parallel Control Technique of Modular T-type Three-level Grid-connected PV Inverters, Beijing Jingyi Green Energy Power System Engineering Corporation (PI)


Kai Sun, Daning Zhou, Yang Mei. Matrix Converter Technology and Its Applications, China Machine Press, Sep 2007

(2)Selected International Journal Papers Since 2010

1)Kai Sun, Xiaosheng Wang, Yunwei Li, Farzam Nejabatkhah, Yang Mei, Xiaonan Lu. Parallel operation of bi-directional interfacing converters in a hybrid AC/DC microgrid under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. v 32, n 3, p 1872-1884, Mar 2017.

2)Wei Feng, Kai Sun, Yajuan Guan, Josep M. Guerrero, Xi Xiao. Active power quality improvement strategy for grid-connected microgrid based on

(1) Professional Society Membership

IEEE Senior Member

Member of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (CSEE)

IEEE PELS Sustainable Energy Technology Committee Member

IEEE PELS Power and Control Core Technology Committee Member

IEEE IES Renewable Energy Systems Technical Committee Member

IEEE IAS Industrial Drive Committee Awards Sub-committee Member

(2) Editor in International Journals

Guest Editor, Special Issue on "Energy Conversion in Next-generation Electric Ships", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion

Guest Associate Editor, Special Issue on "Structured DC Microgrids", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

Guest Associate Editor, Special Issue on "Distributed Generation", Special Issue on "Structured DC Microgrids", IEEE JESTPE

Guest Editor, Special Issue on "DC Microgrids and LVDC Distribution Networks", International Journal of Power Electronics

Associate Editor, Journal of Power Electronics

Associate Editor, Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering

(3) Reviewer in International Journals

IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics

IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics

IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications

IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid

IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy

IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics

IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

Electric Power Components and Systems

Journal of Power Electronics

Journal of Modern Power and Clean Energy

(4) Services on International Conferences

TPC Vice Chair of IEEE ECCE2017

Organizer of IEEE ECCE-Asia2016 Organized Session on "Advanced Power Conversion Systems for Energy Storage", Organized Session on " Advanced Power Control Technologies for AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids"

Organizer of IEEE ECCE2015 Special Session on "DC Microgrids: Control, Operation and Trends"

Organizer of IEEE IFEEC2015 Special Session on "Power Electronics for Microgrids and Energy Storage Systems"

Organizer of IEEE ISIE2014 Special Session on "Power Electronics for AC & DC Microgrids"

Session Chair on ICEMS2011, ICEMS2014

Session Chair on IEEE ECCE2015

TPC member of ECCE-Asia 2016, Hefei, China

TPC member of "Architectures, Control and Operation for Smart Grids and Microgrids" Symposium on IEEE SmartGridComm'15

(5) Invited Lectures

2016.10.12, Aalborg University, Denmark, "Power Electronics for Distributed PV Generation Integrated into DC Grids"

2016.07.01, The 2nd Young Scholar Forum in Power Electronics, "Large-scale Renewable Energy Integration Technology for Medium-voltage DC Distribution Networks"

2015.11.05, National Cheng Kung University, "Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Integration into Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids"

2015.09.23, IEEE ECCE2015 Special Session on "DC Microgrids: Control, Operation and Trends ", "Control of Bi-directional Interfacing Converters in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids"

2015.08.27, 2015 Symposium on Microgrids, "Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Integration into Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids"

2014.12.26, 2014 Annual Meeting of Beijing Power Electronics Society, “Control Techniques for Power Electronics Interfacing Converters in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids”

2014.11.13-14,TIANJIN 2014 Symposium on Microgrids, “Sino-Danish Microgrid Technology Research & Demonstration”

2014.07.16, Xi’an University of Technology, “Renewable Generation Integration Technology in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids”

2014.03.07, Shandong University, “Control Strategy for Power Electronics Interfacing Converters in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids”

2013.10.25, Beijing Jiaotong University, “Key Application Techniques of SiC Devices ”