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On the afternoon of March 2, 2024, the Annual Conference of Semiconductor & Electrical Engineering Committee, Tsinghua Shanghai Alumni Association was held grandly in Putuo District, Shanghai. Shi Zongkai, Deputy Director of the Academic Committee, Tsinghua University, Xiao Wengao, Deputy Secretary and District Mayor of Putuo District, and Qin Weifang, President of the Tsinghua Shanghai Alumni Association, attended the event and delivered speeches. Kang Chongqing, Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA), Tsinghua University, and Xiao Li, Deputy District Mayor of Putuo, were also present.

Shi Zongkai expressed sincere gratitude to Putuo District for its comprehensive support for the Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center and Tsinghua alumni work. He emphasized that the alumni association is the gathering place for the Tsinghua spirit and should further spread and carry forward the Tsinghua spirit through this platform. He hoped that through this annual meeting, more alumni could be encouraged to participate and share, truly implement support for alumni innovation and entrepreneurship, promote alumni growth, inject new impetus into the local economic and social development, and further lead social progress.

Xiao Wengao expressed heartfelt thanks on behalf of the Putuo District Committee and District Government for the strong support of Tsinghua alumni, and warmly welcomed the arrival of Tsinghua alumni. He emphasized the long-standing cooperation between Tsinghua and Putuo. In 2019, the Shanghai Municipal Government and Tsinghua University jointly established the Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center, which successfully settled in Putuo. Subsequently, the center established an integrated circuit platform, which played an important role in enhancing the regional technological innovation capability and promoting the high-quality development of the Shanghai integrated circuit industry. He sincerely invited more Tsinghua alumni to invest and start businesses in Putuo, plan layouts, share scientific and technological innovation dividends, industrial ecology, and reliable services with Putuo, and jointly embark on the fast track of regional industrial vigorous development.

Qin Weifang, on behalf of the Tsinghua Shanghai Alumni Association, thanked Putuo District for its support, especially for its strong support for the Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center. She emphasized that the Tsinghua spirit is our common pride and the bond that connects every alumnus. This year's annual meeting aims to gather the strength of Tsinghua alumni and provide a platform for sharing experiences and exchanging achievements. She hoped that through the organization of the annual meeting, the connection between alumni can be deepened, jointly promote the inheritance and promotion of the Tsinghua spirit, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the economic and social development of Shanghai.

At the event, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base of Electrical Engineering Committee of Tsinghua Shanghai Alumni Association was officially established in the Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center. He Hu, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center, and Zhou Qing, Director of the Electrical Engineering Committee of Tsinghua Shanghai Alumni Association, unveiled the plaque. This is the first professional field double-creation base initiated since the center settled in Putuo. With the support of this double-creation base, EEA of Tsinghua University will establish deeper and wider cooperation with Tsinghua Center, gather more technical resources and scientific and technological innovation resources in Putuo, give full play to Putuo’s regional advantages, and promote a new round of high-quality transformation and development of the energy industry in Shanghai and even the whole country.

Meanwhile, the “Suhe Silicon Valley” brand was jointly launched by Xiao Li, He Hu, and Ren Jia, Director of the Semiconductor Committee, Tsinghua Shanghai Alumni Association. According to the plan, “Suhe Silicon Valley” will take the Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center and Changfeng Science and Technology Innovation Valley as two major “core areas” with a total area of about 10,000 square meters, focusing on the research and development design of automotive-grade chips, artificial intelligence chips, high-computing chips, and other cutting-edge chips, as well as headquarters offices and other functions.

At the same time, three collaborative parks, Changfeng Ecological Business District, Universal Software Park, and Taopu Smart Creation City, will be laid out for software design, terminal application, and other upstream and downstream related industries. Li Wenbo, Director of the Putuo District Science and Technology Commission, introduced the situation of Putuo District and the relevant policies supporting the construction of Tsinghua Center. The establishment of the Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center jointly initiated by the Shanghai Municipal Government and Tsinghua University marks the beginning of a new era of win-win cooperation. In order to further promote technological innovation, Putuo District has formulated a series of related policies covering talent introduction, support for scientific and technological projects, incubation of innovation and entrepreneurship, and many other aspects. At the same time, special policies have been issued to accelerate the development of the integrated circuit industry in Putuo, providing multi-dimensional support for Putuo to build an innovation “core” of the integrated circuit industry. Encourage various scientific and technological enterprises to cooperate deeply with universities and institutions, promote the integration of industry, academia, and research, and help transform innovative achievements into actual productivity. He emphasized that he would continue to provide comprehensive support for Tsinghua Center and help Tsinghua alumni innovate and start businesses in Putuo.

At the event site, leaders and guests from Tsinghua Center, the Electrical Engineering Committee, EEA, the Semiconductor Committee, and the Integrated Circuit College conducted interactive exchanges on departmental work, committee work, university-enterprise cooperation, and industrial cooperation.

At the annual meeting, a group photo was taken as a memento.

In the keynote report session, outstanding alumni were invited to share the latest industry technologies and development trends. First, Yan Zheng, former director of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was invited. Yan Zheng, a master’s and doctoral graduate from the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University in 1984 and 1987, has rich experience and profound academic attainments in the field of electrical engineering. He brought a keynote report on “Research on Flexible Scheduling Adaptation to High Penetration New Energy Grid Connection”.

General Manager He Weiwei of Shenzhen Basic Semiconductor shared a keynote report on “The Future Is Here: The Silicon Carbide Era of Power Semiconductors”. He Weiwei, a graduate of the EEA at Tsinghua University in 2003, is currently one of the leading figures in the domestic semiconductor industry. After the report, the “Bauhinia Chorus”, composed of young and middle-aged alumni, brought two new works to bless the annual meeting, “I Have a Pocket Full of Stars” and “In the World”. The Bauhinia Chorus of the Shanghai Alumni Association, which has been established for more than two years, and the Shanghai Alumni Association Art Troupe, which has been established for fifteen years, cooperated for the first time to perform “The Same Song + Youth” flash mob, perfectly reflecting the inheritance of Tsinghua campus culture, and received enthusiastic praise from alumni, pushing the atmosphere of the annual meeting to a climax. On the morning of March 2, Tsinghua alumni visited enterprises (Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center, Nezha Automobile) and conducted enterprise flash mobs, project docking, and exchanges at the Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center.

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