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Recently, China Electrotechnical Society issued a decision on the commendation of the winners and winning projects for the 2023 Science and Technology Awards.

Prof. Dong Xinzhou from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA), Tsinghua University received the “Gao Jingde Science and Technology Achievement Prize of Award for Scientific and Technological Individuals”; Associate Prof. Zhang Ning and Associate Researcher Wang Bin received the “Prize of Science and Technology for Youth of Award for Scientific and Technological Individuals.

The project “Wind Power Generation-Field-Grid Collaborative Active Support Technology and Application” led by Associate Prof. Lu Zongxiang received the first prize for technological progress. The project “Real-time Dynamic Risk Monitoring and Control Technology and Control Platform for Power Market” led by Dr. Guo Hongye received the second prize for technological progress.

Additionally, the project “Coordinated Control Technology and Application of Transmission and Distribution Networks under High Penetration of Distributed Energy”, in which Associate Prof. Zhong Haiwang participated, and the project “Key Technology and Equipment Development for Seawater Variable-Speed Pumped Storage Energy Storage”, in which Associate Prof. Jiang Xinjian participated, both received the second prize for technological progress.

In accordance with the “CES Regulations on Science and Technology Awards”, and after evaluation by the Science and Technology Award Review Committee of CES, a total of 3 individuals received the “Gao Jingde Science and Technology Achievement Award” and 20 individuals received the “Award of Science and Technology for Youth”. There were 87 winning projects in total, including 22 first prizes, 32 second prizes, and 33 third prizes for technical invention and technological progress awards.

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