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 On April 6, 2023, the meeting for initialization and implementation plan demonstration of Electromagnetic Force Balance Weight Detector”, a major special project (2022YFF0708600) in the national key R&D Program “Research and Development of Basic Scientific Research Conditions and Major Scientific Instrument Equipment” for the “14th 5-Year” period, was successfully held in Beijing online and offline. The project is led by Tsinghua University, jointly undertaken by China Jiliang University, Beijing Internet Based Engineering Company and Shenyang Chuangyuan Measurement Instrument Company.


At the project initialization meeting

The expert group for project implementation plan demonstration is composed of Han Li, researcher at the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cui Xiang, professor at North China Electric Power University, Zhou Weihu, researcher at the Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Huang Xiaoding, researcher at the No. 514 Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, Yang Ping, researcher at the National Institute of Metrology, Han Bing, researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Gao Chao, researcher at the Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Sun Jianguo, financial expert at the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. More than 30 people, further including Zhang Wang, project manager of the Resource Department of the China 21st Century Agenda Management Center, Cao Lipeng, project manager of the Research Institute of Tsinghua University, and Kang Chongqing, professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA) of Tsinghua University, and other researchers from 4 units undertaking the project, attended the meeting.


Speech by representatives from the leading unit

At the meeting, Zhang Wang first congratulated the approval and timely initialization of the project, and suggested that the project team should improve project coordination and management in accordance with the regulations for the management of national major special projects. He also expressed positive support for the implementation of the project on behalf of the China 21st Century Agenda Management Center. Cao Lipeng, on behalf of the leading unit of the project, Tsinghua University, expressed sincere gratitude to the experts for their careful guidance and suggestions, and hoped that the project team could take the timely implementation of this project as an opportunity to contribute to the research and development of high-precision and cutting-edge scientific instruments and equipment in China under the continuous attention and guidance of the experts. Kang Chongqing delivered a speech on behalf of EEA, pointing out that EEA has attached great importance to the application and participation of major scientific and technological projects such as the “R&D of Basic Research Conditions and Major Scientific Instrument Equipment” and the “Energy Storage and Smart Grid Technology” of the Ministry of Science and Technology in recent years, and promised to form a dedicated team to fully support the orderly implementation of the project and timely completion of various work.


Report on project and subject implementation plan

During the demonstration phase, Dr. Li Shisong, the project leader of EEA, first gave a detailed report on the research content, implementation technology route, division of labor and coordination mechanism of each topic, schedule, milestones, and organizational management mechanism of the project. Subsequently, Dr. Ma Zuhui from Beijing Internet Based Engineering, the person in charge of Subject 1, Dr. Li Shisong, the person in charge of Subject 2, Dr. Qian Lushuai from China Jiliang University, the person in charge of Subject 3, and Dr. Dong Yang from Shenyang Chuangyuan Measurement Instrument Co., Ltd., the person in charge of Subject 4, respectively reported in detail on the implementation plans of their respective subjects.


Han Li delivered a speech

Experts attending the meeting conducted a comprehensive demonstration on the implementation plan for the project and four specific subjects based on further inquiries, and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on research and development difficulties, specific indicators, testing plans, industrialization, and promotion and application, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions for the implementation of the project. Han Li, the responsible expert of the project, pointed out that the basic connotation of the national key research and development plan is to solve the bottleneck problem or fill the gap. It should be oriented towards national key and urgent needs, and promote the incubation and actualization of research results of the project through demonstration and promotion. He hoped that the project team can reasonably arrange the research progress, flexibly apply scientific theoretical knowledge, effectively solve practical engineering problems, and efficiently complete the project research objectives in high quality.

At the end of the meeting, Dr. Li Shisong, the project leader, spoke on behalf of the project team, stating that they will fully digest and absorb the opinions and suggestions put forward by the experts, and make adjustments and improvements to the existing implementation plan based on further discussion to reduce project implementation risks. All participating units will work closely together to ensure that the project will be implemented according to plan with better research and development results.


Group photo of offline participants

Project introduction:

Currently, there are obvious shortcomings in the design optimization methods, core component preparation, and engineering research and development of high-performance electromagnetic force balancing weight detectors in China, as a result, advanced comparators, porosity and density measuring instruments and other scientific instruments are basically monopolized by foreign manufacturers, and the localization capability urgently needs to be improved. To this end, this project, following the idea of “design optimization  key technologies  Component integration  development application”, is planned to make breakthroughs in key technologies such as optimized design of perforated micro-force arm structures, preparation of integrated electromagnetic force compensation sensors, precise electromagnetic force balancing control, rapid comprehensive compensation of environmental errors, and self-calibration of electromagnetic force balancing weight detectors, fabricate component products with independent intellectual property rights and reliable quality through engineering research and development, demonstration applications, and industrial promotion, and make these products early applied in advanced weighing systems, porosity and density measuring instruments.

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