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On the morning of November 3, Wang Xiqin, President of Tsinghua University, participated in the Coordination and Promotion Meeting for the Construction and Development of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA). Kang Chongqing, Dean of EEA, Yu Xinjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of EEA, Lu Zongxiang, Executive Vice President of Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, Zhu Guiping, Deputy Dean of EEA and Director of the Teaching Committee of EEA, Lu Chao, Deputy Dean of EEA, Yu Zhanqing, Deputy Dean of EEA, Wu  Wenchuan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of EEA, Xu Fei, Assistant Director of the State Key Laboratory, Zhang Pinjia, Assistant Dean of EEA and some other teacher representatives attended the meeting.

Having listened to relevant work reports, Wang Xiqin highly affirmed that EEA has made important contributions to the university in terms of personnel training and scientific research, and expressed his appreciation for EEAs recent achievements in personnel training, construction and development of the Sichuan Institute and the state key laboratory. He hoped that EEA, on the basis of the existing work, will further accumulate experience, think deeply, and actively explore new national systems, talent training modes and team building mode under the new national system, and contribute to the universitys exploration for a new way to build a world-class university with Chinese characteristics!

Kang Chongqing, on behalf of EEA, reported on the targeted implementation of the constructive suggestions put forward by President Wang Xiqin when he visited EEA on September 13, and he mainly introduced the progress of cooperation between the Sichuan Institute and the local government, completion of undergraduate training scheme and construction of state key laboratories, and expressed gratitude to the university and all other offices and units for their long-term help and support to EEA.

At the meeting, heated discussions were held on issues such as the cooperation between the Sichuan Institute and the local government and leading enterprises, the reform of the training scheme for undergraduates and the acceleration of the construction of state key laboratories.

Heads of relevant units such as the universitys Party Office, the Academic Affairs Office, the Graduate School, the Research Institute, the Development Planning Office, the Personnel Office, the Domestic Cooperation Office, and the Operating Assets Management Office attended the meeting, saying that they will fully support EEA, jointly explored a new development mode with EEA and promote high-quality development.

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