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On the afternoon of October 10th, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA) of Tsinghua University held the Employment Mobilization Conference for Students Graduated in 2023 in Lecture Hall 217 in Zone 3 of the West Main Building and online. A total of about 160 graduates of EEA participated in the mobilization conference. Zhang Chao, Director of the Student Career Development Guidance Center of Tsinghua University and Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the University Party Committee, Yu Xinjie, Secretary of the Party Committee, Zheng Zedong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Zhong Haiwang, Head of the Graduate Work Group of the Party Committee, Zhang Ling, Head of the Students’ Group of the Party Committee, Zhang Jie, the teacher in charge of employment, Luo Jiao, deputy head of the students’ group, and Han Liying, Director of the alumni office of EEA, attended the meeting. The mobilization conference was chaired by Zhong Haiwang.

At the Employment Mobilization Conference of EEA

At the conference, Zhang Chao, Yu Xinjie, Zheng Zedong, and Zhang Jie respectively analyzed the value choices in career planning, the employment overview, orientation, procedures and precautions for of EEAs students graduated in 2022.

Zhang Chao talked about value choices in career planning

In the first part of the mobilization conference, Zhang Chao first encouraged the graduates to choose careers bravely, pointing out that there are always opportunities in crises though the employment situation is not promising at present. He hopes that the graduates could adapt to the new form of online recruitment as soon as possible, and give positive feedback on employment-related issues. In addition, Zhang Chao also put forward suggestions on the value choice in graduate career planning: everyone should choose his career based on long-term career ideals, follow his enthusiasm for decision-making, establish a career concept for benefiting the society, and take advantage of social power to realize the ideals.

Yu Xinjie delivered a speech for employment mobilization

Yu Xinjie, starting from recalling his career choosing experience, delivered a speech for employment mobilization. He pointed out that employment is a major event in life. First, we must stick to our original intention, choose a career that matches our values, interests, and abilities, and reasonably accept and absorb information from various sources. Second, we must have a reasonable view about the common regret after a decision, and never worry about gains and losses. Third, we must take responsibility, establish a sense of integrity, and make careful decisions before signing the tripartite agreement.

Zheng Zedong introduced the employment situation of EEA

Zheng Zedong interpreted the employment situation of EEA in recent years, analyzed the employment destination, employing units and geographical distribution of the graduates in the past five years, including those graduated in 2022, and summarized the current employment situation. He called on EEA graduates to choose their careers rationally and prudently, and keep improving themselves after the recruitment season, so as to achieve better development in the workplace; at the same time, he reminded the graduates of abiding by the tripartite agreement and not violating the contract of own accord.

Zhang Jie introduced and analyzed the Universitys policies on employment

Zhang Jie analyzed the employment situation for the students to be graduated in 2022, introduced the Universitys latest policies on employment and various employment resources, and made a detailed interpretation and explanation of the employment process and employment procedures that students care about.


Zhong Haiwang presided over the employment mobilization conference

This graduate employment mobilization conference gave students a clearer understanding of their future career choices, which was of great significance for guiding students to take the first step into the society. We believe that after the employment mobilization conference, the students will make more rational and suitable career choices.

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