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On the morning of June 24, the 2022 Graduation Ceremony of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics of Tsinghua University was grandly held in an online and offline form at Room 3-217, West Main Building. All EEA graduates and some teachers, alumni and representatives of students’ parents witnessed this grand and unforgettable moment together. The graduation ceremony was hosted by Shi Bochen and Wang Yenan, EEA students graduated in 2022.

EEA graduates sang the national anthem together

Yu Xinjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of EEA, delivered a speech

The ceremony kicked off with the solemn and majestic national anthem. Mr. Yu Xinjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics, delivered a welcome speech and introduced the employment situation of this year's graduates. First of all, Mr. Yu extended warm congratulations to all the graduates, extended a warm welcome to all the guests, and thanked people from all walks of life who have been caring about and supporting EEA. Then, Mr. Yu introduced the graduation destinations, employment regions and industry distribution of the 2022 EEA graduates: in 2022, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics has a total of 113 undergraduates, 97 master students and 56 doctoral students who have graduated, of which 134 are directly employed after graduation. The geographical distribution of employment is extensive, and the destination of graduates covers 21 provincial-level administrative regions. From the perspective of industry distribution, power and electrical industry are still the mainstream of the employment of our graduates, indicating that EEA graduates are concerned about the development of the country’s electric power and electrical industry and are willing to get on the big stage. Mr. Yu encouraged graduates to be firm in their future work and study, maintain a healthy mentality, strive to be the first, live up to the expectations of their relatives, friends and teachers, and become more worthy of themselves.

Wang Liangyou, an representative of EEA alumni, delivered a speech

Wang Liangyou, deputy general manager of China Three Gorges Corporation and an EEA Alumnus admitted in 1980, was invited to speak as a representative of EEA alumni. Mr. Wang Liangyou firstly extended warm congratulations to all the EEA graduates, and pointed out that Tsinghua University’s motto of “Self-discipline and social commitment” and EEA’s motto of “Be strict in learning and be upright in behaving” based on his own experience. In addition, Wang Liangyou encouraged the students to be far-sighted, down-to-earth, set high-level goals, combine their personal destiny with the needs of the motherland, and have the courage to take on the important tasks entrusted by the times. He pointed out that it is now a critical period of profound changes in China’s industrial system. He hoped that all graduates will forge ahead, insist on innovation, actively embrace change, seek opportunities in the change, and realize the sublimation of life value. In the end, he expressed his expectations for the graduates: he hoped that all the students will set great aspirations, enter the mainstream, get on the big stage, and achieve great careers, and he sincerely wish the 2022 graduates a long journey and a bright future.

Zhu Guiping, Deputy Dean of EEA, announced the list of bachelor graduates

Shen Chen, chairman of the Electrical Engineering Degree Evaluation Committee, announced the list of master and doctoral graduates

Zhu Guiping, Deputy Dean of EEA, announced the list of bachelor graduates, and Shen Chen, chairman of the Electrical Engineering Degree Evaluation Committee, announced the list of master and doctoral graduates.

Zhuo Zhenyu, representative of Ph.D. graduates, who will go to the Operational Optimization Research Department of Meituan after graduation, Wang Dawei, representative of master graduates, who will work in the power dispatching and control center of China Southern Power Grid after graduation, and Wang Yi, representative of undergraduates, who will continue to stay in EEA for Ph.D., delivered speeches as graduate representatives.

Zhuo Zhenyu, the representative of doctoral graduates, delivered a speech

Zhuo Zhenyu first expressed respect and gratitude to all the EEA teachers, graduates’ parents, relatives and friends on behalf of all the 2022 PhD graduates. He shared his experience in scientific research during his Ph.D., from the confusion, frustration and unwillingness at the beginning when he first entered the unknown field, to repeated tempering and continuous precipitation, and to the end when his work results were recognized by international peers. It is the university’s motto of “Self-discipline and social commitment” that made him indomitable in a chaotic environment full of uncertainty. When talking about the future path of life, he said, “a hero dares to fight against a dragon if he has a lance in hand”, and he wished all graduates to continue to overcome difficulties and create greater glories, and report more achievement to the alma mater.

Wang Dawei, representative of master graduates, delivered a speech

Wang Dawei described the valuable wealth brought to him by EEA in three parts: value shaping, ability training, and knowledge imparting. Combining his various experiences including volunteer teaching in Tibet, serving as an counselor for junior students, and completing his master’s program, he told us the courage and confidence to face the future brought by Tsinghua’s spirit of “Self-discipline and social commitment”. Finally, he wished all the graduates to work hard, be persistent, have a bright future, and live up to the youth.

Wang Yi, representative of bachelor graduates, delivered a speech

Wang Yi recalled her growth and tempering in the past four years, she thanked EEA of Tsinghua University for the training and support, which made her grow from ignorant and immature to tenacious and mature, and realize the meaning and direction of life with constantly expanded vision. She called on everyone, as Tsinghua EEA people, not to seek own purity and integrity alone, but to have the courage to shoulder the mission and responsibilities entrusted to us by the times, and to create a better future together.

Teacher representative Zhao Zhengming delivered a speech

Then, Zhao Zhengming, delivered a speech as an EEA teacher representative. He first expressed warm congratulations to the graduates who have successfully completed their studies and are about to embark on a new stage of life. Then, Mr. Zhao used the three key phrases of “proactive”, “innovative in thinking” and “experiencing the beauty” to encourage the graduates. He told the students to maintain a proactive mental outlook, as there are always more ways than difficulties, successes are always more than failures, and being proactive is the key to success; in the face of the ever-changing society, independent thinking and pursuit of innovation are the criterion to do well; scientific spirit and the beauty of life should be the main theme of the heart, a man mustn’t be trapped in some loss or care too much about gains and losses, but explore the beauty around him, and if he have goals in his heart, there will be hope in his life.

Yu Maozhong, representative of graduates’ parents, delivered a speech

Mr. Yu Maozhong, father of Yu Zekuan — a bachelor graduate of EEA, delivered a speech as a representative of graduates’ parents. He thanked EEA teachers for their training and teaching, helping the students overcome the setbacks and difficulties in studying. At the same time, he also encouraged the students to remember their classmates, remember the motto of Tsinghua University, help each other and make progress together in the future. Finally, he wished all the graduates a bright future.

Commending graduates who have served as counselors and assistants

The graduation ceremony also commended graduates who had served as counselors and assistants. Mr. Zheng Zedong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of EEA, announced the list of graduates who served as counselors and assistants: Cao Yang, Duan Xiaoyu, Fu Yiwei, Gao Rui, Wang Dawei, Shi Bochen, Tan Zhenfei, Yuan Mengli, Zheng Kedi, Zhang Wenyi and Zhou Zijie. Mr. Yu Xinjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of EEA, presented awards to the commended students.

Commending Outstanding bachelor graduates

Outstanding graduates were also commended at the graduation ceremony. Mr. Wu Wenchuan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of EEA, announced the list of outstanding bachelor graduates. Among them, Wang Yi, Wei Ziyu, and Yu Zekuan won the honor of outstanding graduates of Tsinghua University; Yang Xu, Pang Jupeng, Chen Zhuoxu, Li Peiyang Shen Xiaotong, Liang Hongcheng, Zheng Taoyue, Fang Haonan, Chen Yuanbo, Li Xinyuan, Wang Jiaxin, Jian Aolin and Ye Yiling and won the honor of excellent graduates of Tsinghua University; Wang Yi, Wei Ziyu, Yu Zekuan, Li Peiyang, Yang Xu, Pang Jupeng and Li Xinyuan won the honor of outstanding graduates of Beijing. Wu Wenchuan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of EEA, and Yu Zhanqing, deputy dean of EEA, presented awards to the honor winners.

Commending outstanding master graduates

Lu Chao, deputy dean of EEA, announced the list of outstanding master and doctoral graduates. Among them, Shi Bochen, Tan Zhenfei and Zhou Wenpeng won the honor of outstanding doctoral graduate of Tsinghua University; Wang Dawei and Xiong Yufeng won the honor of outstanding master graduate of Tsinghua University; Shi Bochen, Zhou Wenpeng, Xiong Yufeng, Wang Dawei, Wu Yang, Zhang Wenyi and Zhuo Zhenyu won the honor of outstanding graduate of Beijing. Lu Chao, deputy dean of EEA, presented awards to the honor winners.

Kang Chongqing, Dean of EEA, delivered a speech

In the warm applause, Mr. Kang Chongqing, dean of EEA, stepped onto the podium. He first expressed his warmest congratulations to all the graduates. He said that this year is the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Electrical Engineering, which is a milestone year, and he reviewed the achievements of the teachers and students of the Department of Electrical Engineering in the past year. All of them show the enthusiasm of contemporary young people. It is the students of the Department of Electrical Engineering who have emerged in all fields and accumulated every step of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics.

Kang Chongqing, Director of the Department of Electrical Engineering, sends a message to the graduates

Mr. Kang cleverly sent three pairs of words “energy storage” and “discharge”, “steady state” and “transient state”, “node” and “branch” electrical engineering disciplines to wish the students a good future: first, calm down and learn knowledge down-to-earth, cherish time, store energy and keep accumulating anytime and anywhere, seize opportunities to generate light and electricity, and realize self-worth; second, be steady, reasonable and determined, accept uncertainty and face the challenges in life calmly; third, always keep the original intention, always be enthusiastic, make choices that live up to the times, walk on every branch and realize own dreams in life.

Kang Chongqing, Dean of EEA, gave a parting speech with a pair of couplets

In the end, Mr. Kang gave the graduates a pair of couplets as parting words: What is the use of one’s ability? Follow virtue, make use of knowledge and physique, use strategies and then policies, use brain and make effort, as talents are in need everywhere; Graduates are full of wisdom and ready to go: Be inspired, germinate ideas and trigger abilities, discover and invent, generate heat or light, as we are all people from EEA! He said that no matter where the students are in the future, Tsinghua University and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics will be their home forever, and everyone is welcome to come home usually.

EEA teachers and graduates sang the university song together

At the end of the ceremony, everyone sang the old song of Tsinghua University. In the exciting and moving melody, the graduation ceremony of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics in 2022 came to a successful conclusion. The melody and the deep affection convey the graduates’ attachment to their alma mater and their ambitions for the future. Wish all the EEA graduates a wonderful journey and a bright future!

Group photo of EEA bachelor graduates in 2022

Group photo of EEA master graduates in 2022

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