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Recently, the monograph "Polymer Dielectrics for ElectricEnergy Storage" (Hardcover, 438 pages, ISBN: 978-7-03-067591-0) edited by Professor Dang Zhimin of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics of Tsinghua University was published by the Science Press. Previously, the English monograph "Dielectric Polymer Materials for High Density Energy Storage" (Hardcover, 500 pages, ISBN: 978-0-12-813215-9), edited by Professor Dang Zhimin, was published by Elsevier's William Andrew press in 2018. These two monographs are the first Chinese and English Monographs in the field of energy storage polymer dielectrics for thin film capacitors at home and abroad.

As a physical energy storage device, energy storage thin film capacitors play an important role in the fields of new energy, flexible direct transmission system, pulse power supply, electric vehicle, electromagnetic energy equipment and national major scientific research plan. The development of polymer thin film dielectric materials with high energy storage density is a hot and difficult spot in this field at home and abroad. Using the theories of dielectric physics and dielectric chemistry, it is an important way to realize high energy storage density polymer dielectrics and their composite dielectrics by skillfully designing the multi-scale structure of polymers (especially chain structure and aggregation structure) or the microstructure or mesoscopic structure of polymer composites.

Based on the application scenarios of polymer dielectrics in thin film capacitors and focusing on improving the energy storage density of devices, the monograph attempts to systematically explain the relationship between multi-scale structure and performance of energy storage polymer dielectrics and their composite dielectrics. It has two purposes: one is to guide researchers in this field to deeply study new energy storage polymer dielectrics; The second is to try to build a bridge between material science research and high energy storage film capacitor research, and finally realize the original intention of "predicting the future of capacitors". The publication of this monograph can provide useful help for researchers in the field of energy storage polymer dielectric materials to promote the research and application of energy storage polymer dielectric films.

"This book covers rich contents and comprehensively reflects the main achievements and key problems in the field of energy storage polymer dielectrics. In editing methods, the author strives to make the basic theories simple and easy-to-understand and practical, and emphasizes the close combination of basic theories and research methods with practical material problems. In discussions, it mainly focuses on the practical application of the control method of material dielectric properties, and takes some representative material systems as examples to show readers how to use the new material design idea to carry out researches on new energy storage dielectric materials."

Excerpted from the preface by Academician Nan Cewen

"However, as several key scientific problems in this field have not been really solved, it will take time for a disruptive breakthrough in the research of energy storage dielectric materials. At this time, it is necessary to write and publish a monograph with novel contents, clear concepts, diverse methods, profound and systematic discussion. Professor Dang Zhimin's monograph 'Introduction to Energy Storage Polymer Dielectrics' is expected to promote the research in this field."

Excerpted from the preface by Academician Li Yanrong

About the author:

Dang Zhimin, chief professor of Electrical Engineering Department and Applied Electronics of Tsinghua University, doctoral supervisor, winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, winner of "New Century Excellent Talents" Support Program of the Ministry of Education, Person of the Year of Scientific Chinese (2014), winner of the first Young Scientist Award of Chinese Society for Composite Materials, and winner of the first prize of Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education in 2019 (ranking first). In the field of advanced energy electrical materials and devices, he has published more than 300 papers in famous academic journals at home and abroad, such as Progress in Materials Science, Advanced Materials, Applied Physics Letters, High Voltage Technology, Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society and Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, which have been cited by SCI journals for more than 13000 times, and the H-index is 60, and many are highly cited papers of ESI. Since 2014, he has been elected as "Highly Cited Chinese Scholars" in Elsevier database for seven consecutive years. He was also the founding editor of the English periodical IET Nanodielectrics, IET Fellow, member of the Advanced Materials Alliance of the CAST (China Association for Science and Technology) Member Societies, Executive Director and Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese Society for Composite Materials, etc.

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